World Map Essential Resource Distribution, Part II

Welcome back, we are picking up where we left off in the worldbuilding process. In the last section, LINK HERE where you can catch up on the essential resource distribution so far, we nailed down the staple crops and domesticated Continue reading World Map Essential Resource Distribution, Part II

River Courses, River Crossings, Tow Boats


Rivers are perhaps the most important part of pre-modern world building. That’s why it’s unfortunate rivers are commonly misunderstood and underutilized in D&D. Large rivers are the foundation of civilization and act as the primary means of travel for people, Continue reading River Courses, River Crossings, Tow Boats

Distribution of Resources World Map for World Builders


Welcome back to the Worldbuilding Process. If you’ve been working alongside the blog, your world should really be coming together now. We started early on working on the basic concepts that would drive the world and how it would be Continue reading Distribution of Resources World Map for World Builders

Sandbox Versus Railroad, a D&D Reality Check


I played D&D for a while before I ever heard mention of Sandbox versus railroad. And, I’m very thankful for that. It was also a time when D&D had much less exposure on the internet. It was a time when Continue reading Sandbox Versus Railroad, a D&D Reality Check