Diversify Biomes Map: Elevation & Wetlands

Welcome back to this series on Worldbuilding from scratch. In this installment we’re going to add some variety to our biomes map. If you’ve been following along in the map creation your land masses should have some wide bands of Continue reading Diversify Biomes Map: Elevation & Wetlands

Spinning Plates: Worldbuilding Process & Plate Tectonics


Welcome back to RedRaggedFiend.com. If you’ve been following along with the worldbuilding series you have your blank world map in hand. In the last post, Continents, we added some land to our blue ocean of a world. It looks great, Continue reading Spinning Plates: Worldbuilding Process & Plate Tectonics

Worldbuilding Process: Continent Hex Mapping

We’re picking back up on the mapping aspect of worldbuilding. If you remember from last time we have three continents we need to map out. If you need a refresher, check the previous post out HERE. We have three continents Continue reading Worldbuilding Process: Continent Hex Mapping