World Building Capital City Profiles


Welcome back and welcome home to the Red Ragged Fiend, a website dedicated to the adventures of playing tabletop games, especially roleplaying games. This post about worldbuilding capital city profiles is another in the now long-running series of Worldbuilding Process Continue reading World Building Capital City Profiles

Adding Capital Cities & World Map Landmark Locations


Welcome back to the World Building Process series. I’m excited to continue growing our world map. And now we’re going to start adding important world map landmark locations. This step represents crossing a major threshold in world building for our Continue reading Adding Capital Cities & World Map Landmark Locations

How to Build Better Dungeons for D&D


Dungeons, so important to D&D they’re listed before the game’s iconic Dragons. Indeed, the original game is based around delving multi-level underground complexes with each level’s number assigned to the appropriate character level. At the end of your dungeon, you Continue reading How to Build Better Dungeons for D&D

Placing DnD Races in Your World Building


*For this article we’ll be using the term “Race” as it has historically been used in the DnD races context and not it’s real world application. While species and ancestry are less problematic terms, gaining in use and publication, we’re Continue reading Placing DnD Races in Your World Building

How to Create a 15-Minute D&D Campaign Start


Whether you’re a brand new player stepping behind the DM screen for the first time or a many-decades veteran DM with players showing up in an hour, with nothing prepped, this will help you get from the blank page to Continue reading How to Create a 15-Minute D&D Campaign Start