DND Overland Travel Fundamentals & “Authenticity”


Welcome back; I recently reviewed my DND overland travel notes for the Solo RPG live stream we’ve been doing on Twitch. As I was checking my notes and thinking about what might happen during Lia’s multi-week travel from Split Valley Continue reading DND Overland Travel Fundamentals & “Authenticity”

7 Easy Ways to Improve Your D&D Games


The difference between a mediocre dungeon master and a great Dungeon Master is their dedication to self improvement. A great DM is always seeking how to run the perfect game of Dungeons & Dragons, but also knows that’s more of Continue reading 7 Easy Ways to Improve Your D&D Games

Adventure Skeleton, Build Adventures From the Bones Up

There’s Only One Original Story That’s Ever Been Told: Someone wants something badly and is having difficulty getting it. First, burn that idea into your brain. Second, realize whatever adventure you create will suck. The quicker you realize and become Continue reading Adventure Skeleton, Build Adventures From the Bones Up

Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW


While exploring dungeons because REASONS is popular in the cartoon Adventure Time you will probably need your plots and adventures to be coherent. Like the Tom Clancy quote, “The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense,” you Continue reading Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW

Five Fingers of Fear

Fear seems like an appropriate topic for the season. But how do you utilize fear in your games? I’m not speaking about running horror specifically, which takes a lot of work to keep the tension up between game sessions. But Continue reading Five Fingers of Fear